Monday, September 21, 2009

Steven's letter Sept 21

Dear Family
How is everything going back home? Is everyone liking being back in school? So we have a new bishop? I bet he does a good job as a bishop. It’s been another really good week. We have been staying really busy especially going back and forth from Pocahontas to Ash Flat. The 16 year old girl's mom still hasn't changed her mind about letting her get baptized. We are still able to go see her though so we are grateful for that. That has happened once before, only the other time the parents wouldn't let us talk to her or let her come to church. So at least she can still go to church and go to mutual. Elder Hansen and I have been spending more and more time up in ash flat. We are going every week, usually twice a week. We are teaching another person who used to be into drugs and gangs out in Washington. She has changed her life a lot and has been going to church with us the last couple weeks now. She is trying to quit smoking this week. She says she has been trying to stop for a while now. She has even tried hypnotism and fake cigarettes. We gave her a copy of the churches 15 step program. We won't see her until next Saturday though to see how she is doing with it. Tina has started to introduce us to some of her friends and family. We met her cousin and one of her friends on Sunday. I think we are going to start trying to teach them this next week. Well I hope everyone is having fun. Hope to hear from you soon. I love you.
Love Elder Marshall

O I heard that skyline beat hill crest. Go grizzlies.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

These three girls loved to dance together!!
Travis and Pam were able to see Steven in Pocahontas. Steven thought that he was meeting a Bishop from Kansas for lunch and instead Travis and Pam was there. Steven was quite excited and surprised.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Steven's letter Sept 14(Sorry it is a bit late getting on)

Dear Family
This week has been a good busy week here in Arkansas. We left Pocahontas on Tuesday and didn’t get back until Thursday night. We had to go to Jonesboro on Tuesday night. Elder Hansen had to do interviews there on Wednesday. Then we had to be in Memphis on Thursday for zone conference. That was a lot of fun. That’s one of the best parts of the transfer I think. We have a baptism coming up next Saturday. Elder Hansen and I are still going up to ash flat. We were supposed to have a baptism this Saturday, but the girls mom wouldn’t let her be baptized. She is only 16 so she has to have her permission. Elder Hansen and I are going to try to see the mom sometime this week. We have a couple other people who are starting to get closer to being baptized to. Tina has a cousin that just moved in with her and we are starting to teach her. Between the two areas, we are being kept pretty busy.
Thanks for the package you sent. I really liked the shirt and the CDs. Thank you. Tell Rebecca thank you for the Balls too.
It was good to see Uncle Travis and Aunt Pam. That was a pretty big surprise. We were expecting it to be a bishop from Kansas. That was a pretty big surprise seeing them walk through the door. It was fun getting to talk to them and eat lunch with them.
I didn’t know they were taking the old church building down already. Are they going to build another building there? Are you still having to go out to Moapa for church? Well I hope everything is going good there in Logandale. I miss you all. Hope you have a good week.
Love Elder Marshall